
Rivendell MD, Mandy Takes On The Great Ethiopian Run 2017 – Raising Over £1,200!

January 12, 2018 1:17 pm Published by

Rivendell MD Mandy Risso takes on great ethiopian runWhilst most of us slowed down as December approached, patiently waiting for the Christmas break, there was no rest for our MD, Mandy Risso.

Just one year on from taking on the New York Marathon (and just 3 years on from putting on a pair of running shoes!), Mandy was back at it again, this time taking on the Great Ethiopian Run 2017 on the 18th November; a gruelling 10k course in high temperatures and altitude.

Through her efforts, Mandy raised just over £1,200, smashing her original target of £1,000! Find out more about the run and the causes Mandy supported through her fundraising in our latest blog post.   
