October 30, 2018 1:17 pm
Published by Binks
We wanted to send out a massive thank you to all those who supported us with the charity barn dance that took place earlier in October! For those who don’t know, our MD Mandy Risso was recently appointed a trustee of the charity For-Ethiopia and is a long-standing member of the Avon Business Club. In a bid to raise money for For-Ethiopia, we opened the doors and hosted our very own barn dance with a live band Jiggerty Band.
October 10, 2018 1:17 pm
Published by Binks

Renovating your home or workspace can be an exciting time and laying out a new floor is a fantastic way to breathe new life into a room. Whilst on the subject of breathing, it is also important to recognise the impact that specific types of flooring have on those who suffer from allergies and have the know-how to combat that.
Indoor allergy triggers can include anything from dust mites, mould, pollen trodden in from outside and pet hair to name but a few of the more common sensitivities.