Tag Archive: flooring consultation

We are open! How to arrange a consultation with us

July 9, 2020 1:17 pm Published by

Free flooring consultations – by appointment only

After a strange few months, we are really pleased to be back offering free flooring consultations for your home, office, or organisation.

But, of course, your safety and that of our staff comes first so here’s a few guidelines about how the consultations will happen.

 Please also note that due to limited staffing at the moment, the quote may take longer than our standard 48 hours to reach you, but we will do our best.

Find out more information about what your free consultation involves here.  All consultations are By appointment only.

Please book by calling 0117 963 7979 or email enquiries@rivendellcarpets.co.uk

At your home

Ideally we ask that the room or area that we are viewing is free of other people. Where possible we will stick to the 2 metre distancing rule and a maximum of 2 people per household may attend the viewing.

We will be using hand santizer and are respectful of homeowners individual wishes with regards to wearing masks and gloves.

All internal doors will need to be opened and you are advised not to touch any surfaces and to take their own protection as you see fit.

At our flooring studio

Our studio is now open in line with Government guidelines and the flooring studio is a free space where you can come and browse safely.

Only two people from the same party are allowed to visit any one time.

If you wish to wear gloves and a mask when visiting the studio we ask that you please bring you own.

We will provide hand sanitizer and will adhere to the 2 metre social distancing rule.

Important: Appointments should not take place with anyone who is symptomatic with Covid19 or who are at risk under the recent government guidelines (as of 1 July 2020). This extends to anyone that they currently reside with. These questions need to be satisfied prior and just before the appointment.