Workplace Flooring: A Safe Investment for Employers
March 27, 2017 1:18 pmIt is no coincidence that most accidents in the workplace are largely attributable to trips, spills, and falls. This is particularly the case in kitchens, bathrooms, and stairways where liquids are present and balance is more likely challenged.
So, whatever premises you reside in during working hours – whether commercial offices, restaurants, bars, educational facilities, or hotels – the right flooring is key for both your employees and your customers.
The importance of safety flooring, therefore, can’t be underestimated. We’ve explored your options below, so read on and find out why you should upgrade:
A Safe Workplace
In November 2016, government statistics on self-reported injury at work revealed some startling figures. Over 200,000 injuries led to 3 days absence at work, 152,000 led to 7 days of absence, and slips and trips accounted for 19% of non-fatal injury.
As expected accidents at work have far-reaching implications. Not only are they costly to the health of the individual concerned in terms of broken bones and long term pain, but are a major cause of absenteeism. This in return is costly to the employer, the NHS, and wider society.
However, Labour Force Survey records show that there is a downward trend in accidents at work as safety information, regulation, and investment in safety flooring from employers has become more commonplace.
The Law States…
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to ensure the health and safety of all employees and anyone affected by their work so far as reasonably practicable.
More specifically, however, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states that flooring in a workplace must be suitable for the type of work activity taking place on it.
According to The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 floors are required to be suitable, in good condition and free from obstruction. Where a floor is likely to be subject to frequent contamination, people should still be able to walk on it without the risk of slipping.
The HSE have compiled a useful slip resistance checklist to help you identify slip and trip hazards within your workplace which include:
- Are step nosings (edge of step) hard to see, rounded, damaged or slippery?
- Is the floor slippery when wet?
- As part of the work process, is contamination (fluids, solids, dust, debris etc.) getting onto the floor?
Why You Shouldn’t Wait a Minute Longer
Contaminates which come into contact with regular flooring whether liquids such as water or dry substances such as dirt reduces the amount of available friction. Essentially a film is created that prevents complete contact between shoes and the floor increasing the risk of slips and falls.
Safety flooring incorporates a combination of materials into a wear layer where a number of quality aggregate penetrates the film to provide contact with the shoe. Whilst anti-slip capabilities are a key benefit of safety flooring there are a handful more including:
- High Performance – This is particularly beneficial in sporting areas where facilities are used often and for a number of activities. Comfort under foot with a slight elasticity is achieved and thus reduces the risk of injury.
- Design – Installing safety flooring doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on the style and design of your commercial premises. In fact, we supply and install a variety of possibilities ensuring that design doesn’t take a back seat.
- Specialist hardwearing – Particularly prevalent in healthcare sectors, such environments are often demanding. Safety flooring specific for healthcare environments offer antibacterial agents and the ability to curve up the wall for increased hygiene features.
Let Rivendell Help
In need of safety flooring for your commercial premises? Unsure where you need to start?
At Rivendell we can recommend the most appropriate flooring for you and your working environment. In fact, whatever your circumstance our team of experts will take measurements in order to provide a detailed competitive quote, supply and fit your chosen floors, and provide you with a comprehensive after sales service.
Interested? For more information and advice give our knowledgeable team a call on 0117 963 7979.
Categorised in: Commercial Flooring
This post was written by Binks
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