Categories for Hints and Tips
June 28, 2017 9:18 am
Published by Binks
Whether you’re choosing to make resolutions to adopt a healthier lifestyle, take more time to yourself, or reinvent your wardrobe, the New Year brings with it the opportunity for a great deal of change.
So, as Big Ben chimes in and the uncertain chorus of Auld Lang Syne is sung, why not vow to refresh, revamp, and make over your home in 2017?
And, just as we do every year, the Rivendell team will continue to supply and fit the highest quality of flooring. So why not take a look at our biggest trend spots for the new year and make yours a resolution that we can help complete. Read more below:
June 16, 2017 1:18 pm
Published by Binks
As a housing developer, you’ll need to correctly determine which type of carpet or flooring is best suited to your development project. You’ll not only be aware of staying within budget but also choosing a flooring style that compliments the look and feel of the property in order to encourage sales.
We know that that flooring is a key element for housing developers up and down the country.
With hundreds of flooring options available, we thought we’d run through some of our top recommendations for the best flooring in each room ensuring you not only make a great first impression in your staging property but meet the requirements of your residents.
October 27, 2016 1:18 pm
Published by Binks
With Halloween just around the corner it’s hard to disregard supermarket aisles filled with sweet treats, pumpkins, and an array of decorations.
Even more, TV channels and cinema listings are filled with programming of the horror genre kind. From one cliché to another – the car never starts, lights don’t work, and you’ve suddenly lost your mobile phone service – we must admit we love a good scare fest.
But what really scares us is the time and money spent investing in beautiful, luxurious new carpet only to be wasted when it just isn’t looked after properly. In order to avoid your own horror story we’ve compiled some top tips to ensure your new carpet is cared for.
September 9, 2016 5:18 pm
Published by Binks
Some of us relish the idea of gift buying, dinner dates, and luxury weekends away, whilst the rest convince themselves that it is just another corporate money grabbing scheme. Therefore this month, we thought we would join the romance bandwagon as we discuss how to ensure a relationship that will last; with your flooring that is. So why not take a look at our top tips for ensuring a long lasting, beautiful relationship with your floors? We’ve even come up with our own version of the classic poem:
Rose are red,
Violets are blue,
Floors in need of a revamp?
Let us floor you.
August 23, 2016 1:18 pm
Published by Toni Farrington
Everyone, including the team here at Rivendell, enjoys dining out. Whether once a week or once a month, relaxing in the company of friends and family, whilst choosing from a delicious menu and the bonus of leaving the washing up behind, is an enjoyable treat.
However, for those behind the scenes the story is quite different. The waiting staff balance plates as they juggle multiple tables, bar staff rush around creating an array of cocktails, chefs sweat under the pressure of orders and heat of the kitchen. And don’t forget the work that goes into creating the ideal dining atmosphere for customers too.
Whilst creating the menu or selecting final touches such as pieces of art are certainly important, ensuring that you choose the right flooring for your restaurant, bar or pub is also key and it can be a complicated business. Find out how the team at Rivendell can help you through the stages of purchasing the right flooring.
August 23, 2016 1:18 pm
Published by Binks
It’s 3pm in the office and you’re starting to slow down. In an attempt to reboot your system you stretch for a large cup of coffee and a chocolate biscuit. But we all know that it’s not really going to work.
The afternoon office slump is nothing new and certainly not unusual. But have you ever considered that you or your employees are feeling this way because of their office surroundings?
Well, according to a large number of psychologists the colours which make up our surroundings can have a significant impact on our productivity and mood.
So whether it is a lick of paint, new carpet or flooring, or a few accessories, you might want to rethink the interior design of your office space.
May 2, 2016 1:18 pm
Published by Binks
We can almost hear the chimes of Big Ben and the muffled, uncertain chorus of Auld Lang Syne sung by the nation. With the New Year just around the corner, what better time to refresh, revamp, and make over your home?
Have you made a New Year’s resolution yet? Just as we do every year, the team at Rivendell will continue to supply and fit the highest quality of flooring. So with a wave of new trends at play, why not make yours a resolution you can stick to and endeavour to make changes around your home? Read on for our pick of 2016’s top trends.
December 9, 2015 1:18 pm
Published by Binks
Are you fed up with dull, dingy hallways?
If so, then you shouldn’t have to suffer any longer. We believe your hallway deserves to be a stylish room in its own right; after all these are the first glimpses anyone will see of your home. So rather than arriving home to a dark and drab hallway the team at Rivendell have compiled 5 top tips to ensure a welcoming atmosphere every time you step through the front door.
Stripes are back… again
We’d say that stripes have achieved the coveted timeless status and despite being spot on trend and high in demand this spring, will never really go out of fashion. So be brave and inject some colour and personality into your home and give a fantastic first impression to all your house guests.
November 18, 2015 1:18 pm
Published by Binks
We all have that one diminutive room somewhere in the house; whether it’s the box room, converted bedroom or small cramped kitchen.
They are generally the rooms that accumulate the most clutter, leave us feeling a bit cramped and therefore the ones we dread to decorate the most.
However, with a few simple interior decorating tips to enhance the illusion of space these rooms can be a functional and appealing space.
Our latest blog includes our favourite tips to make your small space look more multi-functional and welcoming.
July 30, 2015 1:18 pm
Published by Binks
Despite your best efforts your carpets are likely to become victim to a host of spills, blemishes, and other accidents. You’ll therefore spend a great deal of time cleaning your carpet during its lifetime to ensure that it keeps the vibrancy and comfort it possessed the day it was first laid.
However, whilst regular maintenance will keep your carpet looking clean, mistakes are all too regularly made which can do more harm than good. So, whether it is a red wine stain on a cream carpet, unwelcomed dirt from guest’s shoes, or the artistic talents of toddlers displayed on the clean canvas of your floor, remember that regular maintenance using the right techniques and products will keep your carpets clean and looking like new.
Check out these common mistakes and follow our simple rules to ensure you get it right: